Joseph "Otocol" Rieselman

Artist, Musician, Engineer, Thinker, Creator

Welcome to my Portfolio

I am a very creative individual. Throughout my whole life, I have had a prominent focus on creativity, in one form or another. From being related to Music, Photography, Mathematics, Aerospace Engineering, or anything else I set out to do, creativity is a mainstay. I find myself thriving in environments where I have unbridled access to creative freedom. In addition to this, because of my constant draw towards new ideas, I have a wide range of knowledge. One of the things I enjoy the most is meshing my creative flow with that of others, and I am always looking forward to new ways of doing so.

On this site, you will find many of the things I have created over the years. If you are interested in anything, feel free to reach out to me and chat.


Some images of my work and interests: